
瀏覽 2019 出版文章

(a) Journal

With SKL affiliation Professor Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number IF Rank in Category
11 No CHAN Ting Fung Yu, A.C., Yim, A.K., Chan, A.Y., Yuen, L.Y.P., Au, W.C., Cheng, T.H.T., Lin, X., Li, J.W., Chan, L.W.L., Mok, V.C.T., Chan, T.F. and Chan, H.Y.E. (2019). A Targeted Gene Panel That Covers Coding, Non-coding and Short Tandem Repeat Regions Improves the Diagnosis of Patients With Neurodegenerative Diseases. Frontiers in neuroscience 13: 1324. 3.648 92/267 Neurosciences
12 Yes CHYE Mee Len Guo, Z.H., Haslam, R.P., Michaelson, L.V., Yeung, E.C., Lung, S.C., Napier, J.A. and Chye, M.L.* (2019). The overexpression of rice ACYL-CoA-BINDING PROTEIN2 increases grain size and bran oil content in transgenic rice. The Plant journal 100(6): 1132-1147. Press release: https://www.hku.hk/press/news_detail_20327.html 5.726 11/228 Plant Sciences
13 Yes CHYE Mee Len Guo, Z.H., Ye, Z.W., Haslam, R.P., Michaelson, L.V., Napier, J.A. and Chye, M.L.* (2019). Arabidopsis cytosolic acyl-CoA-binding proteins function in determining seed oil composition. Plant direct 3(12): e00182. N/A N/A N/A
14 Yes CHYE Mee Len Liao, P., Woodfield, H.K., Harwood, J.L., Chye, M.L.* and Scofield, S.* (2019). Comparative Transcriptomics Analysis of Brassica napus L. during Seed Maturation Reveals Dynamic Changes in Gene Expression between Embryos and Seed Coats and Distinct Expression Profiles of Acyl-CoA-Binding Proteins for Lipid Accumulation. Plant & cell physiology 60(12): 2812-2825. 3.929 23/228 80/193 Plant Sciences Cell Biology
15 Yes CHYE Mee Len Lung, S.C. and Chye, M.L.* (2019). Arabidopsis acyl- CoA-binding proteins regulate the synthesis of lipid signals. The New phytologist 223(1): 113-117. 7.299 8/228 Plant Sciences
16 Yes CHYE Mee Len Miao, R., Lung, S.C., Li, X., Li, X.D. and Chye, M.L.* (2019). Thermodynamic insights into an interaction between ACYL-CoA-BINDING PROTEIN2 and LYSOPHOSPHOLIPASE2 in Arabidopsis. The Journal of biological chemistry 294(16): 6214-6226. 4.106 81/299 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
17 No CHYE Mee Len Panthapulakkal Narayanan, S., Liao, P., Taylor, P.W.J., Lo, C. and Chye, M.L.* (2019). Overexpression of a Monocot Acyl-CoA-Binding Protein Confers Broad- Spectrum Pathogen Protection in a Dicot. Proteomics 19(12): e1800368. 3.106 24/79 133/299 Biochemistry Research Methods Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
18 Yes GUO Dianjing Dai, W. and Guo, D. (2019). A Ligand-Based Virtual Screening Method Using Direct Quantification of Generalization Ability. Molecules 24(13). 3.06 136/299 67/172 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
19 Yes GUO Dianjing Dai, W.X. and Guo, D.J. (2019). Beta Distribution-Based Cross-Entropy for Feature Selection. Entropy-Switz 21(8). 2.419 28/81 Physics, Multidisciplinary
20 Yes GUO Dianjing Yu, J.X., Hu, Y.M., Xu, Y.F., Wang, J., Kuang, J.J., Zhang, W., Shao, J.L., Guo, D.J.* and Wang, Y.J.* (2019). LUADpp: an effective prediction model on prognosis of lung adenocarcinomas based on somatic mutational features. BMC Cancer 19. 2.933 121/230 Oncology

(b) Book Chapters / Books

With SKL affiliation Professor Book Chapter / Book
1 Yes JIANG Liwen Zhao, Q., Zhu, Y., Cao, W., Shen, J., Cui, Y., Huang, S. and Jiang, L.* (2019) Genetic Suppressor Screen Using an Inducible FREE1-RNAi Line to Detect ESCRT Genetic Interactors in Arabidopsis thaliana. Methods in Molecular Biology 1998:273-289.
2 Yes CHAN Ting Fung LAM Hon-Ming Lin, X., Ni, M., Xiao, Z., Chan, T.F.*, Lam, H.M.*. (2019). Reference-based identification of long noncoding RNAs in plants with strand-specific RNA-sequencing data. In: Chekanova J., Wang HL. (eds.) Plant Long Non-Coding RNAs. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1933:245-255. Humana Press, New York, NY.
3 Yes ZHANG Jianhua 杨建昌,张建华。水稻高产节水灌溉,科学出版社(2019) 北京,ISBN 978-7-03-061586-2.