The IF of journal is based on ISI Web of Knowledge Journal Citation Report ® 2021.

(a) Journal

With SKL affiliation Professor Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number IF Rank in Category
171 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Lin, X.Y., Zhang, N.N., Yao, B.H., Zhang, X., Liu, W.Y., Zhang, W.Q., Zhang, J.H., Wei, G.H. and Chen, J.* (2022). Interactions between hydrogen sulphide and rhizobia modulate the physiological and metabolism process during water deficiency-induced oxidative defense in soybean. Plant Cell Environ 45(11): 3249-3274.DOI: 10.1111/pce.14431. 7.947 13/239 Plant Sciences
172 No ZHANG Jianhua Liu, B., Zhang, J. and Ye, N. (2023). Noninvasive micro-test technology: monitoring ion and molecular flow in plants. Trends Plant Sci 28(1): 123-124.DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2022.10.008. 22.012 2/239 Plant Sciences
173 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Liu, Y., Tian, Y., Wang, L.X., Fan, T., Zhang, J.H., Chen, M.X.* and Liu, Y.G.* (2022). Phylogeny and conservation of plant U2A/U2A', a core splicing component in U2 spliceosomal complex. Planta 255(1).DOI: ARTN 25 10.1007/s00425-021-03752-8. 4.54 44/239 Plant Sciences
174 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Peng, Y.Q., Chen, Y.K., Yuan, Y.M., Liu, B.H., Yu, P., Song, S.H., Yi, Y.K., Teng, Z.N., Yi, Z.X., Zhang, J.H., Meng, S.*, Ye, N.H.* and Duan, M.J.* (2022). Post-anthesis saline-alkali stress inhibits grain filling by promoting ethylene production and signal transduction. Food and Energy Security 11(3).DOI: ARTN e384 10.1002/fes3.384. 4.667 43/144 Food Science & Technology
175 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Shi, W., Zhang, X., Yang, J., Impa, S.M., Wang, D., Lai, Y., Yang, Z., Xu, H., Wu, J., Zhang, J.* and Krishna Jagadish, S.V.* (2022). Irrigating with cooler water does not reverse high temperature impact on grain yield and quality in hybrid rice. The Crop Journal.DOI: 4.647 14/90
Plant Sciences
176 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Song, T., Bin Rahman, A.N.M.R., Das, D., Ye, N.H., Yang, F., Chen, M.X.*, Zhang, J.H.* and Zhu, F.Y. (2022). Transcriptome changes in seeds during coleorhiza hair formation in rice. Crop Journal 10(3): 692-703.DOI: 10.1016/j.cj.2021.09.009. 4.647 14/90
Plant Sciences
177 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Teng, Z.N., Chen, Y.K., Yuan, Y.Q., Peng, Y.Q., Yi, Y.K., Yu, H.H., Yi, Z.X., Yang, J.C., Peng, Y., Duan, M.J.*, Zhang, J.H.* and Ye, N.H.* (2022). Identification of microRNAs regulating grain filling of rice inferior spikelets in response to moderate soil drying post-anthesis. Crop Journal 10(4): 962-971.DOI: 10.1016/j.cj.2021.11.004. 4.647 14/90
Plant Sciences
178 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Teng, Z.N., Yu, H.H., Wang, G.Q., Meng, S., Liu, B.H., Yi, Y.K., Chen, Y.K., Zheng, Q., Liu, L., Yang, J.C., Duan, M.J.*, Zhang, J.H.* and Ye, N.H.* (2022). Synergistic interaction between ABA and IAA due to moderate soil drying promotes grain filling of inferior spikelets in rice. Plant Journal 109(6): 1457-1472.DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15642. 7.091 17/239 Plant Sciences
179 No ZHANG Jianhua Teng, Z.N., Zheng, Q., Liu, B.H., Meng, S., Zhang, J.H*. and Ye, N.H.* (2022). Moderate Soil Drying-Induced Alternative Splicing Provides a Potential Novel Approach for the Regulation of Grain Filling in Rice Inferior Spikelets. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(14).DOI: ARTN 7770 10.3390/ijms23147770. 6.208 69/297
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
180 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Wang, G.Q., Li, X.Z., Shen, W., Li, M.W., Huang, M.K., Zhang, J.H.* and Li, H.X.* (2022). The chromatin accessibility landscape of pistils and anthers in rice. Plant Physiology 190(4): 2797-2811.DOI: ARTN kiac448 10.1093/plphys/kiac448. 8.005 12/239 Plant Sciences

(b) Book Chapters / Books

With SKL affiliation Professor Book Chapter / Book
1 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Chen, Y.*, Wang, Z., Ye, H., Liu, S., Nguyen, H.T., Lam, H.-M. and Siddique, K.H.M. (2022). Chapter Three - Root physiology and morphology of soybean in relation to stress tolerance. Advances in Botanical Research. Lam, H.-M. and Li, M.-W., Academic Press. 102: 77-103. (Book chapter)
2 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Ku, Y.-S.*, Ng, M.-S., Cheng, S.-S., Luk, C.-Y., Ludidi, N., Chung, G., Chen, S.-P.T. and Lam, H.-M.*(2022). Chapter Ten - Soybean secondary metabolites and flavors: The art of compromise among climate, natural enemies, and human culture. Advances in Botanical Research. Lam, H.-M. and Li, M.-W., Academic Press. 102: 295-347. (Book chapter)
3 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Lam, H.-M.* and Li, M.-W.* (2022). "Soybean Physiology and Genetics" in Advances in Botanical Research volume 102. Academic Press. (Book)
4 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Li, M.-W., Jiang, B., Han, T., Zhang, G. and Lam, H.-M.* (2022). Genomic research on soybean and its impact on molecular breeding. Advances in Botanical Research, 102, pp.1-42. Academic Press. (Book chapter)
5 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Liu, A., Cheng, S.-S., Yung, W.-S., Li, M.-W. and Lam, H.-M.* (2022). Genetic regulations of the oil and protein contents in soybean seeds and strategies for improvement. Advances in Botanical Research, 102, pp.259-293. Academic Press. (Book chapter)
6 Yes LAM Hon-Ming
HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Fan, K., Yip, H.Y., Taddi, S., Huang, Y.Y., Wong, F.L., Hui, J.H.L.* and Lam, H.-M.* (2022). Chapter Eight - Pursuing greener farming by clarifying legume-insect pest interactions and developing marker-assisted molecular breeding. Advances in Botanical Research. Lam, H.-M. and Li, M.-W., Academic Press. 102: 211-258. (Book chapter)
7 Yes LUO Haiwei Feng, X., Zhang, H., Tang, J. and Luo, H.* (2022). Assessing a Role of Genetic Drift for Deep-Time Evolutionary Events. Methods in Molecular Biology 2569: 343-359. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book chapter)
8 Yes LUO Haiwei Luo, H.* (2022). Editor, Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2569, Environmental Microbial Evolution: Methods and Protocols. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book)
9 Yes LUO Haiwei Wang, S. and Luo, H.* (2022). Estimating the Divergence Times of Alphaproteobacteria Based on Mitochondrial Endosymbiosis and Eukaryotic Fossils. Methods in Molecular Biology 2569: 95-116. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book chapter)
10 Yes LUO Haiwei Zhang, H., Wang, S. and Luo, H.* (2022). A Computational Protocol for Dating the Evolution of Cyanobacteria. Methods in Molecular Biology 2569: 23-40. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book chapter)
11 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Chen, M.-X., Lu, C.-C., Zhang, J. and Liu, Y.-G.* (2022). In Situ Observation of Abscisic Acid Abscisic acid (ABA) Distribution in Major Crop Species by Immunofluorescence Labeling. Abscisic Acid: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology 2462. pp.155-162. Yoshida, T. New York, NY, Springer US. (Book chapter)