National Awards

Award Project Title/ Details Awardee Year
The Natural Science Award (Second Class) from Ministry of Education of China

Study on the Molecular Mechanism and Physiological Function of Plant Vacuolar Degradation Pathway (#2022-254-R01)

ZHUANG Xiaohong
The State Natural Science Award (Second Class) from State Council of China

Regulation and physiological mechanism in enhancing the remobilization of assimilates to grain and grain-filling in rice and wheat (Award # Z-105-2-03)

ZHANG Jianhua 2017
The Natural Science Award (Second Class) from Ministry of Education of China

Molecular mechanisms of selective transport and degradation of plant proteins (Award # 2017-129)

JIANG Liwen 2017
The Natural Science Award (Second Class) from Ministry of Education of China

Molecular mechanism and novel therapeutic targets in treating endothelial dysfunction of metabolic syndrome (Award # 2017-128)

WONG Wing Tak, Jack 2017
The Natural Science Award (Second Class) from Ministry of Education of China

Functional genes involved for crop improvement (Award #2016-114)

LAM Hon Ming
SUN Sai Ming, Samuel
The Natural Science Award (First Class) from Ministry of Education of China

Methods and Mechanisms to Facilitate the Transport of Rice and Wheat Grains and Grain Filling (Award # 2015-046)

ZHANG Jianhua 2015
The State Natural Science Award (Second Class) from State Council of China

Hydrodynamics and regulation mechanism of soil – plant system in Huangtu Area (Award # Z104-2-05)

ZHANG Jianhua 2013
The Natural Science Award (Second Class) from Ministry of Education of China

Molecular Mechanism of Plant Exocytosis (Award # 2013-122)

JIANG Liwen 2013
The Scientific and Technological Progress Award (First Class) from Ministry of Education, China

Study and Application of High Efficient Cultivation Water and Fertilizer Use Techniques for High Yield Rice Production (Award # 2010-201)

ZHANG Jianhua 2010
The Natural Science Award (Second Class) from Ministry of Education of China

Signal transduction of crop response to oxidative stress under drought stress (Award # 2010-086)

ZHANG Jianhua 2010
The State Natural Science Award (First Class) from State Council of China

Molecular identification of plant vacuolar precursors and endosomes (Award # 2009-048)

JIANG Liwen 2009