The IF of journal is based on ISI Web of Knowledge Journal Citation Report ® 2022.

(a) Journal

With SKL affiliation Professor Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number IF Rank in Category
121 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Sun, Z., Qiao, S., Xu, Y., Ji, D., Zhang, W., Gu, J., Zhu, K., Wang, Z., Zhang, J. and Yang, J.* (2023). Agronomic and Physiological Performance of the Indica Rice Varieties Differing in Tolerance to Low Phosphorus. Agronomy 14(1): 41, 3.7 16/88 60/239 Agronomy Plant Sciences
122 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Teng, Z., Lyu, J., Chen, Y., Zhang, J. and Ye, N. (2023). Effects of stress-induced ABA on root architecture development: Positive and negative actions. The Crop Journal 11(4): 1072-1079.DOI: 6.6 4/88 20/239 Agronomy Plant Sciences
123 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Xie, J.-Q., Zhou, X., Jia, Z.-C., Su, C.-F., Zhang, Y., Fernie, A.R., Zhang, J.*, Du, Z.-Y.* and Chen, M.-X.* (2023). Alternative Splicing, An Overlooked Defense Frontier of Plants with Respect to Bacterial Infection. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71(45): 16883-16901.DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c04163. 6.1 6/58 10/73 22/142 Agriculture, Multidisciplinary Chemistry, Applied Food Science & Technology
124 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Xu, F., Liao, H., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., Yu, P., Cao, Y., Fang, J., Chen, S., Li, L., Sun, L., Du, C., Wang, K., Dang, X., Feng, Z., Cao, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, J. and Xu, W. (2023). Auxin-producing bacteria promote barley rhizosheath formation. Nature Communications 14(1): 5800.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40916-4. 16.6 6/73 Multidisciplinary Sciences
125 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Xu, J., You, X., Leng, Y., Li, Y., Lu, Z., Huang, Y., Chen, M., Zhang, J., Song, T. and Liu, T. (2023). Identification and Alternative Splicing Profile of the Raffinose synthase Gene in Grass Species. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(13): 11120, 5.6 66/285 52/178 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
126 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Ye, N., Wang, Y., Yu, H., Qin, Z., Zhang, J.*, Duan, M.* and Liu, L.* (2023). Abscisic Acid Enhances Trehalose Content via OsTPP3 to Improve Salt Tolerance in Rice Seedlings. Plants 12(14): 2665, 4.5 43/239 Plant Sciences
127 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Yu, H., Teng, Z., Liu, B., Lv, J., Chen, Y., Qin, Z., Peng, Y., Meng, S., He, Y.*, Duan, M.*, Zhang, J.* and Ye, N.* (2023). Transcription factor OsMYB30 increases trehalose content to inhibit α-amylase and seed germination at low temperature. Plant Physiology.DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiad650. 7.4 15/239 Plant Sciences
128 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Zhang, D., Chen, M.-X., Muhammad Aslam, M., Liu, Y.-G. and Zhang, J. (2023). Global Analysis of Dark- and Heat-Regulated Alternative Splicing in Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(6): 5299, 5.6 66/285 52/178 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
129 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Zhang, H.*, Zhang, J. and Yang, J. (2023). Improving nitrogen use efficiency of rice crop through an optimized root system and agronomic practices. Crop and Environment 2(4): 192-201.DOI: Not indexed in JCR Not available Not Available
130 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Zhao, F., Ma, Q., Li, Y., Jiang, M., Zhou, Z., Meng, S., Peng, Y., Zhang, J., Ye, N. and Liu, B. (2023). OsNAC2 regulates seed dormancy and germination in rice by inhibiting ABA catabolism. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 682: 335-342.DOI: 3.1 173/285 33/70 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biophysics

(b) Book Chapters / Books

With SKL affiliation Professor Book Chapter / Book
1 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Law, C.H., Chan, L.Y., Chan, T.Y., Ku, Y.S., Lam, H.M.*. (2023). The application of electrophoresis in soil research. In: Ku Y.S. (ed.) Electrophoresis – Recent Advances, New Perspective and Applications. IntechOpen. doi:10.5772/intechopen.1003908.