The IF of journal is based on ISI Web of Knowledge Journal Citation Report ® 2020.

(a) Journal

With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation Professor Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number IF Rank in Category
121 No WU Jin Lamour, J.*, Davidson, K.J., Ely, K.S., Anderson, J.A., Rogers, A., Wu, J. and Serbin, S.P. (2021). Rapid estimation of photosynthetic leaf traits of tropical plants in diverse environmental conditions using reflectance spectroscopy. PLoS One 16(10): e0258791.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258791. 3.24 26/72 Multidisciplinary Sciences
122 No WU Jin Li, Y.Q., He, W., Wu, J., Zhao, P.*, Chen, T., Zhu, L.W., Ouyang, L., Ni, G.Y. and Holscher, D. (2021). Leaf stoichiometry is synergistically- driven by climate, site, soil characteristics and phylogeny in karst areas, Southwest China (Jul, 10.1007/s10533-021-00826-3, 2021). Biogeochemistry 155(2): 303-304.DOI: 10.1007/s10533-021-00834-3. 4.825 77/274 28/200 Environmental Sciences Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
123 No WU Jin Liu, L., Chen, X.*, Ciais, P., Yuan, W., Maignan, F., Wu, J., Piao, S., Wang, Y.P., Wigneron, J.P., Fan, L., Gentine, P., Yang, X., Gong, F., Liu, H., Wang, C., Tang, X., Yang, H., Ye, Q., He, B., Shang, J. and Su, Y. (2022). Tropical tall forests are more sensitive and vulnerable to drought than short forests. Global Change Biology 28(4): 1583-1595.DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16017. 10.863 1/60 5/166 Biodiversity Conservation Ecology
124 No WU Jin Ouyang, L., Wu, J., Zhao, P.*, Li, Y.Q., Zhu, L.W., Ni, G.Y. and Rao, X.Q. (2021). Consumption of precipitation by evapotranspiration indicates potential drought for broadleaved and coniferous plantations in hilly lands of South China. Agricultural Water Management 252.DOI: ARTN 106927 10.1016/j.agwat.2021.106927. 4.516 12/91 16/98 Agronomy Water Resources
125 No WU Jin Ouyang, L., Wu, J., Zhao, P.*, Zhu, L. and Ni, G. (2021). Stand age rather than soil moisture gradient dominantly regulates the compromise between plant growth and water use of Eucalyptus urophylla in hilly South China. Land Degradation & Development 32.DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3921. 4.977 71/274 8/37 Environmental Sciences Soil Science
126 No WU Jin Pivovaroff, A.*, Wolfe, B., McDowell, N., Christoffersen, B., Davies, S., Dickman, L.T., Grossiord, C., Leff, R., Rogers, A., Serbin, S., Wright, S.J., Wu, J., Xu, C. and Chambers, J. (2021). Hydraulic architecture explains species moisture dependency but not mortality rates across a tropical rainfall gradient. Biotropica.DOI: 10.1111/btp.12964. 2.508 88/166 Ecology
127 No WU Jin Song, G., Wu, S., Lee, C.K.F., Serbin, S.P., Wolfe, B.T., Ng, M.K., Ely, K.S., Bogonovich, M., Wang, J., Lin, Z., Saleska, S., Nelson, B.W., Rogers, A. and Wu, J.* (2022). Monitoring leaf phenology in moist tropical forests by applying a superpixel-based deep learning method to time- series images of tree canopies. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 183: 19- 33.DOI: 8.979 1/50 5/200 3/29 2/32 Geography, Physical Geosciences, Multidisciplinary Imaging Science & Photographic Technology Remote Sensing
128 No WU Jin Wang, B., Wang, Z., Wang, C., Wang, X., Li, J., Jia, Z., Li, P., Wu, J., Chen, M. and Liu, L.* (2021). Field evidence reveals conservative water use of poplar saplings under high aerosol conditions. Journal of Ecology 109.DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13633. 6.256 15/166 16/235 Ecology Plant Sciences
129 No WU Jin Wang, J., Yang, D., Chen, S., Zhu, X., Wu, S., Bogonovich, M., Guo, Z., Zhu, Z. and Wu, J. (2021). Automatic cloud and cloud shadow detection in tropical areas for PlanetScope satellite images. Remote Sensing of Environment 264: 112604.DOI: 10.164 12/274 1/29 1/32 Environmental Sciences Imaging Science & Photographic Technology Remote Sensing
130 No WU Jin Wang, X., Wang, C.Z., Wu, J., Miao, G.F., Chen, M., Chen, S.L., Wang, S.H., Guo, Z.F., Wang, Z.H., Wang, B., Li, J., Zhao, Y.J., Wu, X.L., Zhao, C.F., Lin, W.L., Zhang, Y.G. and Liu, L.L.* (2021). Intermediate Aerosol Loading Enhances Photosynthetic Activity of Croplands. Geophysical Research Letters 48(7).DOI: ARTN e2020GL091893 10.1029/2020GL091893. 4.72 31/200 Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

(b) Book Chapters / Books

With SKL affiliation
Book Chapter / Book
With SKL affiliation
Book Chapter / Book
With SKL affiliation Professor Book Chapter / Book
1 Yes (funding acknowle dgment) CHYE Mee Len Guo, Z.H. and Chye, M.L.* (2021). Investigations of Lipid Binding to Acyl-CoA-Binding Proteins (ACBP) Using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC). Methods in Molecular Biology. 2295: 401-415.
2 Yes JIANG Liwen Zeng, Y., Ji, C., Lin, Y. and Jiang, L. (2021). Transient Expression of Fluorescent Fusion Proteins in Arabidopsis Protoplasts. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2200: 157-165.