Genetic identification to preserve local heirloom rice varieties and facilitate their reintroduction in Hong Kong

Project leader Professor Lam Hon-Ming, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) (4th from left), Dr. David Lau, co-organiser of SeedTEC (3rd from the right), Ms. Mon Wong, Agricultural Officer of the AFCD (4th from the right), and SeedTEC team members.

Project leader Professor Lam Hon-Ming, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) (left), Ms. Mon Wong, Agricultural Officer of the AFCD (right)
A press conference was held on 23 Jun 2022 to announced the result of collaborative project by The Hong Kong Seed Technology and Education Center (SeedTEC) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) with the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) on a project to reintroduce local heirloom rice varieties to local farmers. Using novel genomic sequencing technology and molecular markers, CUHK researchers generated a “genetic ID” for “Fa Yiu Tsai” and “See Mew”, allowing the authenticity of the varieties to be identified. The Project leader is Professor Lam Hon-Ming, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK).
News coverage:
CUHK Press Release (with video clip)
中大復育香港水稻有成果 本地產花腰仔最快下月有售
RTHK audio news (with audio clip)
漁護署推水稻復育計劃 市民有望一嚐本地種植稻米
RTHK instant news (with video clip)
中大與漁護署為兩本地水稻品種製基因身份證 推廣復育
Commercial Radio
中大漁護署尋回兩款香港原生水稻 擬本地試種
漁護署、中大復育本地品種稻米 帶雲呢拿香「花腰仔」7月中應市
【本地品種】中大與漁護署成功復育香港絲苗及花腰仔 拆解味道及營養價值
本地農耕|中大漁農署合作復育清朝貢米 「花腰仔」獨特香味如雲呢拿
巴士的報 2022-06-24 (reprint of STD’s article)
中大漁署復育港稻米 「花腰仔」料下月出售
大紀元時報 2022-06-25 (based on our press release)
中大成功鑑別本港水稻品種 漁護署推廣栽種
信報 Hong Kong Economic 2022-06-24