Chinese Academy of Sciences Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series from 22 to 25 January 2019 on campus. Two distinguished academicians were invited to CUHK this year, including Prof. Liu Yaoguang and Prof. Chong Kang, Division of Life Sciences and Medical Sciences. They delivered public lectures and met with CUHK representatives to discuss collaboration opportunities during their stay at CUHK.
On 23 January, the academicians delivered public lectures for the Lecture Series by Academicians to share their experience and expertise in their respective fields of research. Over a hundred people including academics, researchers and students from CUHK and other universities as well as members from the general public were attracted to the lectures.
Speaker and title: Prof. Liu Yaoguang, Division of Life Sciences and Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (水稻细胞质雄性不育的分子机制和起源进化)
Speaker and title: Prof. Chong Kang, Division of Life Sciences and Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (The Mechanism and Application Potential of Plant Sensing to Cold)
Date: 23 Jan 2019 (Wed)
Time: 3:30-5:45pm
Venue: L1, Science Centre
Language: Putonghua/English
The two academicians also paid visits to various research facilities of our State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (SKLA) and had meeting with SKLA members.

President Tuan (middle) and CUHK members warmly welcome the academician delegation from CAS

Prof. Liu Yaoguang

Prof. Chong Kang

Left: Prof. Jiang Liwen (Deputy Director of SKLA), Prof. Yao-Guang Liu, Prof. Kong Chong, Prof. Lam Hon-Ming (Director of SKLA)

Meeting of Academicians with SKLA members

Visit to the research facilites of SKLA

Visit to the research facilites of SKLA

Visit to the research facilites of SKLA