
瀏覽 2023 出版文章

(a) Journal

With SKL affiliation Professor Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number IF Rank in Category
111 No WU Jin Gong, P., Guo, H., Chen, B., Chen, F., He, G., Liang, D., Liu, Z., Sun, Z., Wu, J., Xu, Z., Yan, D. and Zhang, H. (2023). iEarth: an interdisciplinary framework in the era of big data and AI for sustainable development. Natl Sci Rev 10(8): nwad178.DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwad178. 20.7 4/73 Multidisciplinary Sciences
112 No WU Jin Wu, Q., Ke, L., Wang, J., Pavelsky, T.M., Allen, G.H., Sheng, Y., Duan, X., Zhu, Y., Wu, J., Wang, L., Liu, K., Chen, T., Zhang, W., Fan, C., Yong, B. and Song, C. (2023). Satellites reveal hotspots of global river extent change. Nature Communications 14(1): 1587.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37061-3. 16.6 6/73 Multidisciplinary Sciences
113 Yes XIA Yiji WONG Kam Bo Xiao, C., Li, K., Hua, J., He, Z., Zhang, F., Li, Q., Zhang, H., Yang, L., Pan, S., Cai, Z., Yu, Z., Wong, K.B. and Xia, Y. (2023). Arabidopsis DXO1 activates RNMT1 to methylate the mRNA guanosine cap. Nat Commun 14(1): 202.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-35903-8. 16.6 6/73 Multidisciplinary Sciences
114 No XIA Yiji Shao, X., Zhang, H., Zhu, Z., Ji, F., He, Z., Yang, Z., Xia, Y. and Cai, Z. (2023). DpCoA tagSeq: Barcoding dpCoA-Capped RNA for Direct Nanopore Sequencing via Maleimide-Thiol Reaction. Anal Chem 95(29): 11124-11131.DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c02063. 7.4 7/86 Chemistry, Analytical
115 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Chen, Y., Leng, Y.-N., Zhu, F.-Y., Li, S.-E., Song, T. and Zhang, J. (2023). Water-saving techniques: physiological responses and regulatory mechanisms of crops. Advanced Biotechnology 1(4): 3.DOI: 10.1007/s44307-023-00003-7. Not indexed in JCR Not available Not Available
116 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Gao, B., Li, X., Liang, Y., Chen, M., Liu, H., Liu, Y., Wang, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Oliver, M.J. and Zhang, D. (2023). Drying without dying: A genome database for desiccation-tolerant plants and evolution of desiccation tolerance. Plant Physiology.DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiad672. 7.4 15/239 Plant Sciences
117 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Gu, H.-z., Wang, X., Zhang, M.-h., Jing, W.-j., Wu, H., Xiao, Z.-l., Zhang, W.-y., Gu, J.-f., Liu, L.-j., Wang, Z.-q., Zhang, J.-h., Yang, J.-c. and Zhang, H. (2023). The response of roots and rhizosphere environment to integrative cultivation practices in paddy rice. Journal of Integrative Agriculture.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2023.06.031. 4.8 9/58 Agriculture, Multidisciplinary
118 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Huang, H., Xu, R., Yu, J., Zhang, W., Gu, J., Zhu, K.*, Zhang, J. and Yang, J. (2023). A Moderate Wetting and Drying Regime Combined with Appropriate Nitrogen Application Increases Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice. Agronomy 13(7): 1729, https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/13/7/1729. 3.7 16/88 60/239 Agronomy Plant Sciences
119 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Jia, Z.-C., Das, D., Zhang, Y., Fernie, A.R., Liu, Y.-G., Chen, M. and Zhang, J. (2023). Plant serine/arginine-rich proteins: versatile players in RNA processing. Planta 257(6): 109.DOI: 10.1007/s00425-023-04132-0. (Review) 4.3 46/239 Plant Sciences
120 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Shi, W., Zhang, X., Yang, J., Impa, S.M., Wang, D., Lai, Y., Yang, Z., Xu, H., Wu, J., Zhang, J.* and Krishna Jagadish, S.V.* (2023). Irrigating with cooler water does not reverse high temperature impact on grain yield and quality in hybrid rice. The Crop Journal 11(3): 904-913.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2022.09.006. 6.6 4/88 20/239 Agronomy Plant Sciences

(b) Book Chapters / Books

With SKL affiliation Professor Book Chapter / Book
1 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Law, C.H., Chan, L.Y., Chan, T.Y., Ku, Y.S., Lam, H.M.*. (2023). The application of electrophoresis in soil research. In: Ku Y.S. (ed.) Electrophoresis – Recent Advances, New Perspective and Applications. IntechOpen. doi:10.5772/intechopen.1003908.