The IF of journal is based on ISI Web of Knowledge Journal Citation Report ® 2020.

(a) Journal

With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation
Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number
Rank in Category
With SKL affiliation Professor Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number IF Rank in Category
71 Yes LIM Boon- Leong Zhang, R., Guan, X., Yang, M., Law, Y.S., Voon, C.P., Yan, J., Sun, F. and Lim, B.L. (2021). Overlapping Functions of the Paralogous Proteins AtPAP2 and AtPAP9 in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(14).DOI: 10.3390/ijms22147243. 5.924 67/295 49/178 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
72 Yes LIM Boon- Leong JIANG Liwen Voon, C.P., Law, Y.-S., Guan, X., Lim, S.-L., Xu, Z., Chu, W.-T., Zhang, R., Sun, F., Labs, M., Leister, D., Pribil, M., Hronková, M., Kubásek, J., Cui, Y., Jiang, L., Tsuyama, M., Gardeström, P., Tikkanen, M. and Lim, B.L.* (2021). Modulating the activities of chloroplasts and mitochondria promotes adenosine triphosphate production and plant growth. Quantitative Plant Biology 2: e7.DOI: 10.1017/qpb.2021.7. N/A N/A N/A
73 Yes LIM Boon- Leong NGAI Sai Ming Xu, Z., Zhang, R., Yang, M., Law, Y.S., Sun, F., Hon, N.L., Ngai, S.M. and Lim, B.L.* (2021). A Balance between the Activities of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria Is Crucial for Optimal Plant Growth. Antioxidants (Basel) 10(6).DOI: 10.3390/antiox10060935. 6.313 60/295 6/62 11/143 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Chemistry, Medicinal Food Science & Technology
74 Yes LUO Haiwei Chen, Z., Wang, X., Song, Y., Zeng, Q., Zhang, Y.* and Luo, H.* (2022). Prochlorococcus have low global mutation rate and small effective population size. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6(2): 183-194.DOI: 10.1038/s41559-021-01591- 0. (Epud 2021 Dec 23) 15.46 2/166 4/50 Ecology Evolutionary Biology
75 Yes LUO Haiwei Chu, X., Li, S., Wang, S., Luo, D. and Luo, H.* (2021). Gene loss through pseudogenization contributes to the ecological diversification of a generalist Roseobacter lineage. The ISME Journal 15(2): 489-502.DOI: 10.1038/s41396- 020-00790-0. 10.302 7/166 10/136 Ecology Microbiology
76 Yes LUO Haiwei Feng, X., Chu, X., Qian, Y., Henson, M.W., Lanclos, V.C., Qin, F., Barnes, S., Zhao, Y., Thrash, J.C. and Luo, H.* (2021). Mechanisms driving genome reduction of a novel Roseobacter lineage. The ISME Journal 15(12): 3576- 3586.DOI: 10.1038/s41396-021-01036-3. 10.302 7/166 10/136 Ecology Microbiology
77 Yes LUO Haiwei Gu, J., Wang, X., Ma, X., Sun, Y., Xiao, X.* and Luo, H.* (2021). Unexpectedly high mutation rate of a deep-sea hyperthermophilic anaerobic archaeon. The ISME Journal 15(6): 1862- 1869.DOI: 10.1038/s41396-020-00888-5. 10.302 7/166 10/136 Ecology Microbiology
78 No LUO Haiwei Jian, H., Xu, G., Yi, Y., Hao, Y., Wang, Y., Xiong, L., Wang, S., Liu, S., Meng, C., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, C., Feng, X., Luo, H., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Wang, L., Wang, Z., Deng, Z. and Xiao, X.* (2021). The origin and impeded dissemination of the DNA phosphorothioation system in prokaryotes. Nature Communications 12(1): 6382.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26636-7. 14.919 4/72 Multidisciplinary Sciences
79 Yes LUO Haiwei Luo, D., Wang, X., Feng, X., Tian, M., Wang, S., Tang, S.L., Ang, P., Jr., Yan, A. and Luo, H.* (2021). Population differentiation of Rhodobacteraceae along with coral compartments. The ISME Journal 15(11): 3286- 3302.DOI: 10.1038/s41396-021-01009-6. 10.302 7/166 10/136 Ecology Microbiology
80 Yes LUO Haiwei Tao, J., Wang, S., Liao, T. and Luo, H.* (2021). Evolutionary origin and ecological implication of a unique nif island in free-living Bradyrhizobium lineages. The ISME Journal 15(11): 3195- 3206.DOI: 10.1038/s41396-021-01002-z. 10.302 7/166 10/136 Ecology Microbiology

(b) Book Chapters / Books

With SKL affiliation
Book Chapter / Book
With SKL affiliation
Book Chapter / Book
With SKL affiliation Professor Book Chapter / Book
1 Yes (funding acknowle dgment) CHYE Mee Len Guo, Z.H. and Chye, M.L.* (2021). Investigations of Lipid Binding to Acyl-CoA-Binding Proteins (ACBP) Using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC). Methods in Molecular Biology. 2295: 401-415.
2 Yes JIANG Liwen Zeng, Y., Ji, C., Lin, Y. and Jiang, L. (2021). Transient Expression of Fluorescent Fusion Proteins in Arabidopsis Protoplasts. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2200: 157-165.