Steam@Soybean: Visit to Gansu Province
Prof. Lam Hon-Ming, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, led a study tour of 76 secondary school teachers and students from Hong Kong to Gansu Province to learn about soybean farming and latest agricultural developments in the country. During the five-day trip, participants visited the Agricultural Expo Park of the Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Gansu Aacademy of Agricultural Sciences, the academy’s water-saving experiment field station at Zhangye, a similar facility at China Agricultural University, and Clover Seed Company in Jiuquan. They also had the opportunities to interact with young agriculture researchers there.
Visit to Shiyang River Experimental Station of China Agricultural University (Photo from 武威日報)
(photo from
(photo from
News coverage:
CUHK in Focus: Soybean expert journeys north with students
武威日報 2023-07-19
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