News: Grain brain pleased to have a lot on his research plate (South China Morning Post)

BySouth China Morning Post • 2006.04.01

科協年會專家發言:基因食品安全 (大公報) 2006-9-21


基因食品 並非毒藥 (文匯報) 2006-4-15


教育/科研組別得獎領袖辛世文專訪: 基因改造先驅解世界糧食之憂 (星島日報) 2006-4-6


Grain brain pleased to have a lot on his research plate
(South China Morning Post) 2006-4-1
…..Professor Sun began his research on rice when he returned to Hong Kong from the US with funding from the Research Grants Council. In 2000, he travelled to Changsha, in the hope of collaborating with the “father of hybrid rice”, Professor Yuan Longping, of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the director of the China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Centre, who achieved worldwide fame for his technique that improved rice production by 20 per cent…The pair aim to increase the yield by 10-15 per cent over the existing super-hybrid rice by transferring a combination of four genes from corn into the rice to enhance its photosynthesis efficiency. The transgenic plant is now being grown in the CUHK greenhouse… In another effort, he undertook field trials in China last year on the production of high-nutrient rice infused with genes from winged beans, which resulted in a 40 per cent increase in the protein-rich nutrient lysine. This is part of an “area of excellence” research project funded by the University Grants Committee, and is a collaboration involving scientists from the Unicersity of Science and Technology, the University of Hong Kong and Baptist University…Professor Sun’s hope is that people will be able to consume lyzine rice by 2012. The Bill Gates Foundation project will drive him towards that goal……

傑出領袖 香港之光 (頭條日報) 2006-3-30

以創新思維追求「未知」(星島日報) 2006-3-29

星島選傑出領袖 許老爺讚質素高 (頭條日報) 2006-3-29

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05傑出領袖 (新報) 29/3/2006