CUHK soybean taken into space by Shenzhou-16 The second part of the first Hong Kong agricultural space research project launched


The Director of State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, Prof. Lam Hon-Ming and his team,  supported by the China Manned Space Agency, and in collaboration with the China Resources Research Institute of Science and Technology (CRRIST) and Shenzhou Space Biotechnology Group (SBG), have sent Longhuang Soybeans into space on the Shenzhou-16 crewed spacecraft that launched today (30 May). Together with the rhizobia specimens previously launched by the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft, this represents the full implementation of the first Hong Kong agricultural research project launched into space.

The soybean seeds that were launched include three cultivars (Longhuang 1, Longhuang 2, and Longhuang 3) with excellent salt and drought tolerance characteristics. These cultivars were co-developed by Professor Lam Hon-Ming and his collaborator Professor Zhang Guohong from the Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and they have been distributed to local farmers in Gansu province at no cost since 2016.

To further advance soybean breeding technology, Professor Lam is collaborating with CRRIST and SBG, launching these cultivars into space, to investigate any induced mutagenesis under space conditions. The team will conduct a meticulous analysis of the precious returned specimens to explore the mutation mechanism of soybean seeds in space, aiming to achieve breakthroughs in agricultural technology and explore the possibility for prospective space voyages.

Overwhelmed with joy and excitement, Professor Lam Hon-Ming sent off his soybean seeds to the skies, looking forward to their safe journey home. “This project, on the one hand, marks a new milestone for agricultural advancement in Hong Kong, and on the other hand, it also strengthens the synergistic scientific efforts in Hong Kong and the Mainland. I hope that this project can also inspire local students to excel, to break through, and to broaden their horizons.”

[Text extracted from CUHK Press Release]

Prof Lam Hon-Ming (Right) and Prof Zhang Guohong from the Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

About Longhuang Soybean Project


Media coverage:

CUHK Press Release (English)/(Chinese)


RTHK 2023-05-30



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More newspaper coverage

1. 中文大學「隴黃大豆種子」項目 隨神十六升空 [Ta Kung Pao] 2023-05-31 A02 要聞

2. 觀看直播見證神十六升空 李家超:感驕傲興奮 [Wen Wei Po] 2023-05-31 A04 文匯要聞

3. 運載5項生命科學實驗物資 [Hong Kong Economic Journal] 2023-05-31 A15 兩岸消息

4. 李家超:推動本港航天科技發展 [Lion Rock Daily] 2023-05-31 P13 中國

5. 「四眼教授」桂海潮︰坐火箭太爽了 神十六抵天宮 再迎太空會師 [Sky Post] 2023-05-31 P09 中國/國際