Visit: Mr. John C TSANG, Financial Secretary of HKSAR


FS visits UGC-AoE Centre for Plant and Agricultural Biotechnology in Chinese University

The Financial Secretary of HKSAR , Mr John C Tsang, visited the Chinese University of Hong Kong on April 11, 2008.

Accompanied by the Vice Chancellor, Prof Lawrence Lau, Mr Tsang toured the Science Centre where he was briefed on various research activities at the university.

After a presentation on the Centre for Plant and Agricultural Biotechnology delivered by Prof. Samuel S.M. Sun, Director of the Centre, Mr Tsang was taken on a tour of an environmentally controlled greenhouse to see some improved crop lines such as high yield hybrid rice and salt and drought-tolerant soybean.

The second part of the visit was a tour at the Prince of Wales Hospital Campus hosted by another AoE project, Centre for Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acids, in CUHK.

Mr Tsang said at the end of the tour that the research projects he had seen were very exciting ones. He congratulated the researchers on their achievements and hoped that they would continue with their good work and make even more valuable contributions not only to Hong Kong but to the world at large.