
瀏覽 2022 出版文章

(a) Journal

With SKL affiliation Professor Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number IF Rank in Category
101 Yes NGO Chi Ki, Jacky An, Y., Chen, Z.F.S., Chan, H.Y.E*. and Ngo, J.C.K.* (2022). Molecular insights into the interaction of CAG trinucleotide RNA repeats with nucleolin and its implication in polyglutamine diseases. Nucleic Acids Research 50(13): 7655-7668.DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkac532. 19.16 8/297 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
102 Yes TAI Pui Kuen, Amos Fung, K.M.*, Martin, M.V.* and Tai, A.P.K.* (2022). Modeling the interinfluence of fertilizer-induced NH3 emission, nitrogen deposition, and aerosol radiative effects using modified CESM2. Biogeosciences 19(6): 1635-1655.DOI: 10.5194/bg-19-1635-2022. 5.092 37/173
Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
103 Yes TAI Pui Kuen, Amos Leung, F.*, Sitch, S., Tai, A.P.K., Wiltshire, A.J., Gornall, J.L., Folberth, G.A. and Unger, N. (2022). CO2 fertilization of crops offsets yield losses due to future surface ozone damage and climate change. Environmental Research Letters 17(7).DOI: ARTN 074007 10.1088/1748-9326/ac7246. 6.947 55/279
Environmental Sciences
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
104 Yes TAI Pui Kuen, Amos Sun, S.H., Tai, A.P.K.*, Yung, D.H.Y., Wong, A.Y.H., Ducker, J.A. and Holmes, C.D. (2022). Influence of plant ecophysiology on ozone dry deposition: comparing between multiplicative and photosynthesis-based dry deposition schemes and their responses to rising CO2 level. Biogeosciences 19(6): 1753-1776.DOI: 10.5194/bg-19-1753-2022. 5.092 37/173
Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
105 Yes TAI Pui Kuen, Amos Wang, Y.X.*, Lin, N., Li, W., Guenther, A., Lam, J.C.Y., Tai, A.P.K., Potosnak, M.J. and Seco, R. (2022). Satellite-derived constraints on the effect of drought stress on biogenic isoprene emissions in the southeastern US. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22(21): 14189-14208.DOI: 10.5194/acp-22-14189-2022. 7.197 50/279
Environmental Sciences
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
106 Yes TAI Pui Kuen, Amos Wu, R.J., Agathokleous, E., Yung, D.H.Y., Tai, A.P.K., Shang, B. and Feng, Z.Z.* (2022). Joint impacts of ozone pollution and climate change on yields of Chinese winter wheat. Atmospheric Pollution Research 13(8).DOI: ARTN 101509 10.1016/j.apr.2022.101509. 4.831 93/279 Environmental Sciences
107 Yes TAI Pui Kuen, Amos Zhu, J.C., Tai, A.P.K.* and Yim, S.H.L.* (2022). Effects of ozone-vegetation interactions on meteorology and air quality in China using a two-way coupled land-atmosphere model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22(2): 765-782.DOI: 10.5194/acp-22-765-2022. 7.197 50/279
Environmental Sciences
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
108 Yes TSANG Suk Ying, Faye Kwok, M., Lee, C., Li, H.S., Deng, R.X., Tsoi, C., Ding, Q.Q., Tsang, S.Y., Leung, K.T., Yan, B.P. and Poon, E.N.* (2022). Remdesivir induces persistent mitochondrial and structural damage in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Cardiovascular Research 118(12): 2652-2664.DOI: 10.1093/cvr/cvab311. 14.239 10/143 Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems
109 Yes TSANG Suk Ying, Faye Ng, K.M., Ding, Q., Tse, Y.L., Chou, O.H., Lai, W.H., Au, K.W., Lau, Y.M., Ji, Y., Siu, C.W., Tang, C.S., Colman, A., Tsang, S.Y. and Tse, H.F.* (2022). Isogenic Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes Reveal Activation of Wnt Signaling Pathways Underlying Intrinsic Cardiac Abnormalities in Rett Syndrome. Int J Mol Sci 23(24).DOI: 10.3390/ijms232415609. 6.208 69/297
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
110 No TSANG Suk Ying, Faye Wen, L.Y., Yang, C., Liao, X.L., Zhang, Y.H., Chai, X.Y., Gao, W.J., Guo, S.L., Bi, Y.L., Tsang, S.Y., Chen, Z.F., Qi, Z.H.* and Cai, Z.W.* (2022). Investigation of PM2.5 pollution during COVID-19 pandemic in Guangzhou, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 115: 443-452.DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2021.07.009. 6.796 58/279 Environmental Sciences

(b) Book Chapters / Books

With SKL affiliation Professor Book Chapter / Book
1 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Chen, Y.*, Wang, Z., Ye, H., Liu, S., Nguyen, H.T., Lam, H.-M. and Siddique, K.H.M. (2022). Chapter Three - Root physiology and morphology of soybean in relation to stress tolerance. Advances in Botanical Research. Lam, H.-M. and Li, M.-W., Academic Press. 102: 77-103. (Book chapter)
2 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Ku, Y.-S.*, Ng, M.-S., Cheng, S.-S., Luk, C.-Y., Ludidi, N., Chung, G., Chen, S.-P.T. and Lam, H.-M.*(2022). Chapter Ten - Soybean secondary metabolites and flavors: The art of compromise among climate, natural enemies, and human culture. Advances in Botanical Research. Lam, H.-M. and Li, M.-W., Academic Press. 102: 295-347. (Book chapter)
3 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Lam, H.-M.* and Li, M.-W.* (2022). "Soybean Physiology and Genetics" in Advances in Botanical Research volume 102. Academic Press. (Book)
4 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Li, M.-W., Jiang, B., Han, T., Zhang, G. and Lam, H.-M.* (2022). Genomic research on soybean and its impact on molecular breeding. Advances in Botanical Research, 102, pp.1-42. Academic Press. (Book chapter)
5 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Liu, A., Cheng, S.-S., Yung, W.-S., Li, M.-W. and Lam, H.-M.* (2022). Genetic regulations of the oil and protein contents in soybean seeds and strategies for improvement. Advances in Botanical Research, 102, pp.259-293. Academic Press. (Book chapter)
6 Yes LAM Hon-Ming
HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Fan, K., Yip, H.Y., Taddi, S., Huang, Y.Y., Wong, F.L., Hui, J.H.L.* and Lam, H.-M.* (2022). Chapter Eight - Pursuing greener farming by clarifying legume-insect pest interactions and developing marker-assisted molecular breeding. Advances in Botanical Research. Lam, H.-M. and Li, M.-W., Academic Press. 102: 211-258. (Book chapter)
7 Yes LUO Haiwei Feng, X., Zhang, H., Tang, J. and Luo, H.* (2022). Assessing a Role of Genetic Drift for Deep-Time Evolutionary Events. Methods in Molecular Biology 2569: 343-359. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book chapter)
8 Yes LUO Haiwei Luo, H.* (2022). Editor, Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2569, Environmental Microbial Evolution: Methods and Protocols. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book)
9 Yes LUO Haiwei Wang, S. and Luo, H.* (2022). Estimating the Divergence Times of Alphaproteobacteria Based on Mitochondrial Endosymbiosis and Eukaryotic Fossils. Methods in Molecular Biology 2569: 95-116. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book chapter)
10 Yes LUO Haiwei Zhang, H., Wang, S. and Luo, H.* (2022). A Computational Protocol for Dating the Evolution of Cyanobacteria. Methods in Molecular Biology 2569: 23-40. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book chapter)
11 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Chen, M.-X., Lu, C.-C., Zhang, J. and Liu, Y.-G.* (2022). In Situ Observation of Abscisic Acid Abscisic acid (ABA) Distribution in Major Crop Species by Immunofluorescence Labeling. Abscisic Acid: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology 2462. pp.155-162. Yoshida, T. New York, NY, Springer US. (Book chapter)