
瀏覽 2022 出版文章

(a) Journal

With SKL affiliation Professor Author, title, journal name, year of publication and page number IF Rank in Category
91 Yes LAM Hon-Ming
CHAN Ting Fung
HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Li, C.D., Nong, W.Y., Zhao, S.C., Lin, X., Xie, Y.C., Cheung, M.Y., Xiao, Z.X., Wong, A.Y.P., Chan, T.F.*, Hui, J.H.L.* and Lam, H.M.* (2022). Differential microRNA expression, microRNA arm switching, and microRNA:long noncoding RNA interaction in response to salinity stress in soybean. Bmc Genomics 23(1).DOI: ARTN 65 10.1186/s12864-022-08308-y. 4.558 53/159
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Genetics & Heredity
92 Yes NGAI Sai Ming
LAM Hon-Ming
Sin, W.C., Lam, H.M. and Ngai, S.M.* (2022). Identification of Diverse Stress-Responsive Xylem Sap Peptides in Soybean. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(15).DOI: ARTN 8641 10.3390/ijms23158641. 6.208 69/297
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
93 Yes LAU Chun Yu, Wilson Yuan, D.D., Zhang, Y., Lim, K.H., Leung, S.K.P., Yang, X.Z., Liang, Y.J., Lau, W.C.Y., Chow, K.T.* and Xia, J.* (2022). Site-Selective Lysine Acetylation of Human Immunoglobulin G for Immunoliposomes and Bispecific Antibody Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society.DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c07594. 16.383 16/179 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
94 Yes LIAO Pan Zhou, W., Georgiev, M.I.* and Liao, P.* (2022). Editorial: Discovery, biosynthesis, regulation, transport, release and engineering of plant natural products. Frontiers in Plant Science 13.DOI: ARTN 1017808 10.3389/fpls.2022.1017808. 6.627 20/239 Plant Sciences
95 Yes LIM Boon-Leong Lim, S.L., Flutsch, S., Liu, J.H., Distefano, L., Santelia, D.* and Lim, B.L.* (2022). Arabidopsis guard cell chloroplasts import cytosolic ATP for starch turnover and stomatal opening. Nature Communications 13(1).DOI: ARTN 652 10.1038/s41467-022-28263-2. 17.694 6/74 Multidisciplinary Sciences
96 Yes LIM Boon-Leong Liu, J., Lim, S.-L., Zhong, J.Y. and Lim, B.L.* (2022). Bioenergetics of pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana revealed by ratiometric genetically encoded biosensors. Nature Communications 13(1): 7822.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-35486-w. 17.694 6/74 Multidisciplinary Sciences
97 Yes LUO Haiwei Chu, X., Wang, X.J., Cheung, L.S., Feng, X.Y., Ang, P., Lee, S.Y., Crowe, S.A. and Luo, H.W.* (2022). Coastal Transient Niches Shape the Microdiversity Pattern of a Bacterioplankton Population with Reduced Genomes. mbio 13(4): e0057122. Doi: 10.1128/mbio.00571-22. 7.786 22/137 Microbiology
98 Yes LUO Haiwei Liao, T.H., Wang, S.S., Stüeken, E.E. and Luo, H.W.* (2022). Phylogenomic Evidence for the Origin of Obligate Anaerobic Anammox Bacteria Around the Great Oxidation Event. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39(8).DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msac170. 8.8 39/297
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Genetics & Heredity
99 Yes LUO Haiwei Lin, X.Q., McNichol, J., Chu, X., Qian, Y. and Luo, H.W.* (2022). Cryptic niche differentiation of novel sediment ecotypes of Rugeria pomeroyi correlates with nitrate respiration. Environmental Microbiology 24(1): 390-403.DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15882. 5.476 42/137 Microbiology
100 Yes NGAI Sai Ming Wai, C.Y.Y., Leung, N.Y.H., Leung, A.S.Y., Ngai, S.M., Pacharn, P., Yau, Y.S., Duque, J.S.D., Kwan, M.Y.W., Jirapongsananuruk, O., Chan, W.H., Chua, G.T., Lee, Q.U., Piboonpocanun, S., Ho, P.K., Wong, J.S.C., Li, S.S., Xu, K.J.Y., Wong, G.W.K., Chu, K.H., Leung, P.S.C., Vichyanond, P.* and Leung, T.F.* (2022). Comprehending the allergen repertoire of shrimp for precision molecular diagnosis of shrimp allergy. Allergy 77(10): 3041-3051.DOI: 10.1111/all.15370. 14.71 1/28

(b) Book Chapters / Books

With SKL affiliation Professor Book Chapter / Book
1 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Chen, Y.*, Wang, Z., Ye, H., Liu, S., Nguyen, H.T., Lam, H.-M. and Siddique, K.H.M. (2022). Chapter Three - Root physiology and morphology of soybean in relation to stress tolerance. Advances in Botanical Research. Lam, H.-M. and Li, M.-W., Academic Press. 102: 77-103. (Book chapter)
2 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Ku, Y.-S.*, Ng, M.-S., Cheng, S.-S., Luk, C.-Y., Ludidi, N., Chung, G., Chen, S.-P.T. and Lam, H.-M.*(2022). Chapter Ten - Soybean secondary metabolites and flavors: The art of compromise among climate, natural enemies, and human culture. Advances in Botanical Research. Lam, H.-M. and Li, M.-W., Academic Press. 102: 295-347. (Book chapter)
3 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Lam, H.-M.* and Li, M.-W.* (2022). "Soybean Physiology and Genetics" in Advances in Botanical Research volume 102. Academic Press. (Book)
4 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Li, M.-W., Jiang, B., Han, T., Zhang, G. and Lam, H.-M.* (2022). Genomic research on soybean and its impact on molecular breeding. Advances in Botanical Research, 102, pp.1-42. Academic Press. (Book chapter)
5 Yes LAM Hon-Ming Liu, A., Cheng, S.-S., Yung, W.-S., Li, M.-W. and Lam, H.-M.* (2022). Genetic regulations of the oil and protein contents in soybean seeds and strategies for improvement. Advances in Botanical Research, 102, pp.259-293. Academic Press. (Book chapter)
6 Yes LAM Hon-Ming
HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Fan, K., Yip, H.Y., Taddi, S., Huang, Y.Y., Wong, F.L., Hui, J.H.L.* and Lam, H.-M.* (2022). Chapter Eight - Pursuing greener farming by clarifying legume-insect pest interactions and developing marker-assisted molecular breeding. Advances in Botanical Research. Lam, H.-M. and Li, M.-W., Academic Press. 102: 211-258. (Book chapter)
7 Yes LUO Haiwei Feng, X., Zhang, H., Tang, J. and Luo, H.* (2022). Assessing a Role of Genetic Drift for Deep-Time Evolutionary Events. Methods in Molecular Biology 2569: 343-359. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book chapter)
8 Yes LUO Haiwei Luo, H.* (2022). Editor, Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2569, Environmental Microbial Evolution: Methods and Protocols. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book)
9 Yes LUO Haiwei Wang, S. and Luo, H.* (2022). Estimating the Divergence Times of Alphaproteobacteria Based on Mitochondrial Endosymbiosis and Eukaryotic Fossils. Methods in Molecular Biology 2569: 95-116. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book chapter)
10 Yes LUO Haiwei Zhang, H., Wang, S. and Luo, H.* (2022). A Computational Protocol for Dating the Evolution of Cyanobacteria. Methods in Molecular Biology 2569: 23-40. New York, NY., Humana Press. (Book chapter)
11 Yes ZHANG Jianhua Chen, M.-X., Lu, C.-C., Zhang, J. and Liu, Y.-G.* (2022). In Situ Observation of Abscisic Acid Abscisic acid (ABA) Distribution in Major Crop Species by Immunofluorescence Labeling. Abscisic Acid: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology 2462. pp.155-162. Yoshida, T. New York, NY, Springer US. (Book chapter)